Gary Garrison & Roland Tec

Co-Presented By:
Come see WorkShop actors as they exercise their talents in this five character original one-act play being presented in Artistic New Direction’s Without A Net series.
Between 1967 and 2010, hundreds of NYC teachers, accused of fraudulent behavior, were consigned to Reassignment Centers where they vegetated for years while their "cases" were slowly adjudicated. The teachers called them "Rubber Rooms." The taxpaying public called them a criminal waste of money. Billions of dollars were squandered. Thousands of students were affected.
In this hybrid scripted/improv series, 5 different theater companies rehearse the same play (including WorkShop Theater Company actors!). One actor from each Company is slated to perform in each show.
Five characters who have never met, played by 5 actors who have never met.
25 Opening Nights!
Welcome to the Rubber Room.
Take a seat!
This series includes five brave WorkShop souls who have risen to this incredible challenge:
Mary Ruth Baggott, Dan Patrick Brady*, Kari Swenson Riely, Ben Sumrall* and Jill Melanie Wirth*
A WorkShop actor in every one of the 25 performances!
Contact the actors directly for their individual performance schedule.
An Equity Showcase
*Appearing courtesy of Actors Equity Association