Golden Year Shimmers!

...lovely, very moving new play...reason for celebration...excellent actors...Kathy Gail MacGowan's direction is skilled and razor-sharp...

The fact that the 40-year-married protagonists of Damiano's lovely, very moving new play, The Golden Year, are fully realized, multilayered people who still have passions, desires, and true love and affection for one another is reason for celebration...

...[Actor Gerry Goodstein] is at turn a child, a father, a lover, a caretaker...filling Damiano’s character as written with nuance and deep-rooted humanity...

...Barry is simply stellar...a charming cameo by the very funny and spot-on Joseph Franchini...

...Kathy Gail MacGowan’s direction is skilled and razor-sharp, uniting the dynamic text with excellent actors and effective design elements.


Andrew Rothkin

Published on: 

June 7, 2013

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