touching...funny...poignant...good acting...engaging the audience from the moment the action begins

...touching…funny...poignant...good acting, including Jake Robards in a dual role...engaging the audience from the moment the action begins

Dana Leslie Goldstein’s NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM opens WorkShop Theater Company's 2009/2010 season on a high note. A touching, sometimes funny new dramatic work set in modern-era New York, with flashbacks to Poland 1939, Israel 1948 and Brooklyn 1960, the play has some poignant moments...NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM is a fine addition to this season on stage. It offers a relatable and moving portrait of a family. Robert Bruce McIntosh’s steady direction complements Ms. Goldsteins’s play, allowing for the various time periods to co-exist without confusion or chaos on the stage, and for the characters to take on a life beyond the page, engaging the audience from the moment the action begins.


Kessa De Santis

Published on: 

October 13, 2009

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